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Psychic Stones

Do Everything With Intention!

Herb & Reiki Infused Products

Illuminate your path to spiritual transformation with our Dressed and Blessed Intention Candles, meticulously prepared to empower your spellwork and rituals. These enchanting candles have been crafted with utmost care, dressed with intention, and blessed with positive energy to help you manifest your desires and channel your inner power.


Key Features:


Personalized Intentions: Each Dressed and Blessed Intention Candle is thoughtfully designed to correspond with specific intentions, be it love, prosperity, protection, healing, or any other spiritual goal. Every candle is infused with herbs, oils, and crystals tailored to your desired outcome.

Amplify Your Magick: Our candles serve as a potent focal point for your spells and rituals, magnifying the energy and intention you invest in your spiritual practices. They create a sacred space that enhances your connection to the mystical.

Hand-Dressed and Blessed: Our candles are meticulously dressed by experienced practitioners, and they are blessed with positive energy, imparting them with a powerful aura of intention.

Versatile Application: Use these candles as a centerpiece for your rituals, anoint them with intention oils, carve sigils or affirmations, or simply let them burn to release their magic into your space. They can also be placed on your altar, enhancing the ambiance and energy.

Crafted with Precision: We use high-quality, ethically sourced ingredients to create our candles, ensuring that they resonate with the intent you wish to manifest. These candles are free from artificial additives.

Unlock Your Potential: Whether you are an experienced practitioner or new to spellwork and rituals, these candles are a powerful tool to amplify your connection to your inner power and achieve your spiritual goals.


Dressed and Blessed Intention Candles are your partners in spiritual exploration, offering a tangible source of focus and intention. As you embark on your journey of personal transformation and manifestation, let these candles serve as a beacon of light, guiding you toward your desired outcome.


Harness the energy of the universe and your own inner strength with our Dressed and Blessed Intention Candles. Illuminate your spiritual path with a beacon of intention, allowing your desires to manifest with clarity and purpose. Begin your journey to transformation today, one candle flame at a time.

Intention Candles

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